How to be a pollinatoR

Presentation at rstudio::conf(2022)


Who was involved

This work was jointly authored with Weihuang Wong.


R users are part of data ecosystems comprising both statistical and non-statistical applications. We may work with SAS or Stata datafiles; non-R users may help run R scripts; or we may need to generate outputs in Word or Excel. Just as pollinators support biodiversity, we believe R users can be constructive members of diverse data ecosystems. Our talk will: (1) outline what it means to be constructive, (2) highlight tools that can help R users contribute to their ecosystems, and (3) describe practices that can improve workflows involving diverse groups of staff and software. We hope our talk will inspire R users to think creatively and empathetically about how R can be a force for good in diverse data ecosystems.

About this product

This work was presented at rstudio::conf(2022).

Watch the recording of our presentation

See the slides from our presentation