Massachusetts Lawyers Dashboard

Interactive data tools for Massachusetts Lawyer Census.


About this project

This site is an data explorer for data from the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Demographic and Law Practice Survey about lawyers’ demographic and employment/professional characteristics. There are six different pages with ways to explore the data:

  1. Explore overall demographic, employment, and professional characteristics for all lawyers and within groups,

  2. View demographic, employment, and professional characteristics by Bar Association membership,

  3. Explore the demographic, employment, and professional makeup of lawyers who live or work in a specific county,

  4. See the prevalence of lawyers with certain demographic and employment characteristics by county,

  5. Compare characteristics over time,

  6. Compare the population of lawyers to the general Massachusetts population.

Who was involved

This data explorer was built by me and Jared Sawyer. Nola du Toit designed the entire site and user experience. Jared took the lead on data preparation as well as customizing the table code for the ‘Trends Over Time’ and ‘Compare to Massachusetts Population’ tabs.

My role

I developed the interactive table and chart code, built the site and site navigation, defined and styled the interactive filters and dropdown menus, and implemented all the site styling components. This was the first project where I heavily utilized the ggiraph package for interactive visuals in a site, which is an amazing package!

Tools used

The whole site is a shiny application. I used ggiraph to build all of the interactive bar charts and maps, and reactable to build the interactive tables. This was one of the projects where I first heavily used glue to build out the language for tooltips/hover-overs on the interactive tables and charts.

Learn more about some of the key tools from this project by clicking on the hex.